Supporting Paws Packages
Supporting Paws Packages
Suitable for clients committed to training their pet through our VICTORY VISIT program
- Our Fear Free Customer Representatives (Kate and Natasha) individually manage the patient’s experience, from start to finish – working as a co-operative team with client, nurses, trainers and vets.
- Pre-Visit-Pharmaceuticals (Gabapentin & Trazadone) will be dispensed
- To keep everyone safe, patients will be muzzled before arrival at the clinic, as per the training completed in our VICTORY VISIT program
- Careful selection of the least stressful environment for the consultation – Paws Outdoors Area, Consult Room, Car Park etc
- Kate/Natasha will closely liaise with the client, review any referral notes and history, tailor a management plan to reduce contact with potentially stressful triggers in the vet clinic, arrange client access, and clearly communicate with the consulting veterinarian and support staff.
- NB: If unable to successfully examine the patient, the veterinary team will progress to sedation (refer to Procedure package)
- Included in the cost – Vet Examination Fee / Supporting Fear Free Nurse Fee / Pre-Visit-Pharmaceuticals
- NOT included in the cost – Medications, Treatments and other Services
Suitable for clients committed to training their pet through our VICTORY VISIT program
- Our Fear Free Senior Nurses and Trainers (Kate and Natasha) individually manage the patient’s experience, from start to finish – working as a co-operative team with client, nurses, trainers and vets.
- Pre-Visit-Pharmaceuticals (Gabapentin & Trazadone) will be dispensed
- To keep everyone safe, patients will be muzzled before arrival at the clinic, as per the training completed in our VICTORY VISIT program
- Careful selection of the least stressful environment for admit
- On arrival sedation will be administered, followed by a GA (General Anesthetic) if required
- Client will be with the dog during recovery, supported by our Fear Free Senior Nurses
- Kate/Natasha will closely liaise with the client, review any referral notes and history, tailor a management plan to reduce contact with potentially stressful triggers in the vet clinic, arrange client access, and clearly communicate with the consulting veterinarian and support staff.
- Included in the cost – Vet Examination Fee / Supporting Fear Free Nurse Fee / Pre-Visit-Pharmaceuticals & Sedation on arrival in the clinic
- NOT included in the cost – General Anesthetic / Bloods / Fluid Therapy / Surgery fees / Medications / Treatments and other services
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at fearfreenursemvc@

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Call us to book an appointment with one of our experienced vets.