Dog Behaviour Talk

Dog Behaviour Talk
20 Rudloc Rd, Morley, WA 6062

Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm
Sat-Sun: 9am-5pm
Public Holidays: 9am-5pm
Closed Christmas Day

‘What Your Dog Wants You to Know’

Presented by Laura Ryder (CPDT-KA)


  • How dogs communicate (become fluent in canine body language)
  • Socialisation (how to confidently introduce your dog to new dogs, people and environments)
  • How dogs play (polite greetings, making friends, appropriate play)
  • Behavioural development and sociability (what to expect as your puppy becomes an adult)
  • Dogs and children (SAFE and positive interactions together)
  • Creating the ‘Perfect Dog’ (instilling good manners and polite social skills)
  • Enrichment ideas (boredom busters and fun games to play with your dog!)

Contact us today!

Call us to book an appointment with one of our experienced vets.

Morley Vetcentre

(08) 9275 3000
20 Rudloc Rd, Morley, WA 6062

Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm
Sat-Sun: 9am-5pm
Public Holidays: 9am-5pm
Closed Christmas Day

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